Tattoos and Cupcakes (Amulet of Queens Book 1) Read online

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  “Thanks, Geoffrey.” Sam kissed his cheek again and pulled me forward into the club.

  I had no clue what I was expecting, but this was not it. My eyes adjusted to take in the dimly lit, but surprisingly classy room below. Linking her arm with mine, we walked along the balcony toward the wide stairs to make our way into the main club area downstairs.

  As we walked past the railings I looked down into the club, where black round tables sat bunched together with long matching sofas angled here and there. Everything was trimmed in a gold hue. The ceilings were high, with chandeliers hanging down, accenting the opulence in the room even more. People seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit, and this looked like it was actually going to be a fun night.

  We rounded the corner and started to make our way downstairs when I stopped short from shock. In front of us was a large stage, sandwiched by two smaller ones on either side of it, framing the sides of the club. In the center of each stage were poles with men in various states of dress, and it was very clear that they had no intention of keeping their clothes on. Sam laughed when she noticed my surprise. “Come on, chicken.”

  “Yeah, no, I’m good.” I tried to turn back around but she gripped my arm firmly, and pulled me down the stairs in the direction of the stage. Now that I was down here I could clearly see that people were having a really good time. Women and men alike were climbing all over each other, just shy of having sex right in front of everyone. Some of them probably were having sex and I couldn’t actually tell because I was doing everything I could to avert my eyes. Not that I wanted to. “Sam.”

  “We are going up front,” she wiggled her eyebrows, “to get the best view. Tonight is ladies’ night and you are going to enjoy it.” She grinned, pulling me toward a small sofa turned to face the middle stage. “Sit,” she ordered, chuckling as she pushed me backward, knowing in these heels I would tumble without hesitation. Resigned to the fact I was here, I decided that I could have a few drinks. It didn’t mean I had to watch whatever they did up there. Even considering it had me turning red.

  A woman dressed surprisingly well for a strip club came to take our orders, winking as she set them on our table. “Sam, what were you thinking bringing me here? This is so out of my element.”

  “Exactly. You need to get out of your element and out of your head for a little while. Let loose and enjoy yourself. You have been working too hard. Not to mention the eye candy in this place is to die for.” She motioned toward the stage as a new set of men came out. I glanced over, it couldn’t hurt to look right now, could it? They still had their clothes on.

  One man walked to each of the stages, and the room was still too dark to make out any of their features, but you could tell they were very well built. I followed the one who walked to the stage in front of us. Watched as he stopped in front of the pole and turned so his back was to us. Anticipation built as women around us started shouting and calling out their excitement.

  When the music began, the women that were seated around the stage called out. Blue lights lit up the stage, flashing across them, teasing everyone with just a glimpse of their chiseled bodies. The beat picked up and the man in front of us started moving along with it. Holding the pole above his head, he thrust his hips against it in time with the music. Goodness he sure knew how to work the crowd, and those damn hips. Sam called out next to me, making me laugh and look at her for a minute. Surprisingly, I was getting pretty into this with her. I turned back to watch with her, grinning.

  The man on stage started to turn around, the lights moving with the music and oh, for the love of all that’s holy, his hips. Still not fully facing us, he ran his hands down his body, arching his hips and thrusting with the beat against the pole. Pausing, with his hands at the bottom of his shirt, he turned and winked at the other side of the audience, making them call out again. Laughing along with them I watched, waiting with just as much excitement as the rest of them.

  I lifted my cup to my lips, taking a deep drink I knew I was going to need to get through this. He turned the rest of the way toward us and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor away from his feet. It hit the floor of the stage just as I spit out my drink, coughing and sputtering. Sam started patting my back. “Holy crap, Lena! Are you okay?”

  Holding up a hand I continued to try to catch my breath. Finally able to breathe, I risked another glance at the stage. Holy fuck it was him. “No, I have to go.”

  “Lena, we just got here. Stay like fifteen minutes and then we can go,” Sam pleaded, her eyes dancing.

  “Fine.” I sat back, unable to deny my friend a good time. I didn’t have to look in his direction, or even acknowledge that he existed. There was no way I was going to sit through more humiliation with that man. Of all the nights and all the places, did he really have to be a stripper tonight? There was no denying the fresh tattoo on his chest. I would know my work anywhere. Hell, I would know that bulge currently teasing the masses from behind those jeans anywhere too, it had stared me in the face long enough.

  I sat in my seat, willing myself to look everywhere but the stage as the music pulsed around me. It was bad enough I could already imagine what he was doing up there. Even worse I was imagining what it would be like if his sexy ass friend came out and joined him. Ugh.

  Sam elbowed me and giggled. “Someone is watching you.” She motioned toward the stage and I looked up, not even thinking.

  Just my luck he would notice me sitting here. Why hadn’t I just slipped out and told Sam I would meet her upstairs? As soon as I glanced up his eyes locked on mine, bright blue, intense, and watching. The shadows of the lights made him look even more intense than I remembered. My breath caught as he continued to move rhythmically to the song, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Adrien swung around the pole effortlessly, caressing it like a lover, making every woman in the room wish they were that pole. I watched, unable to look away, as he seduced everyone in the room, including me.

  The music ended strong and the other two dancers joined him in the center as one last bit of entertainment for the women. Damien stood next to Adrien, as a third man with longer blond hair that I didn’t recognize took his other side. All three of them were equally as glorious looking as the one next to them. Damn it, why did they have to look so fucking good?

  The three looked down at me from the stage, I slipped and made eye contact with the one I didn’t recognize first and his eyes went wide as if he recognized me somehow.

  Swallowing hard, I stood and turned to Sam. “I’m going out for some fresh air. I’ll be back.”

  “Are you okay?” She looked worried, reaching for my arm.

  “Yeah, that was uh, just educational,” I stammered and tried for a weak laugh. “I’ll be right back. Promise.” Smiling at me, she stood to join a group of women she had been laughing with during the show. I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about her, she made friends wherever she went.

  I headed straight for the stairs, feeling eyes following my retreating form. I needed to get out of there before this could become any worse. I turned the corner and made my way through the large front doors, thankful I escaped up the stairs without falling on my face.

  Chapter Six


  Finally out on the sidewalk, I let the cool air move over my skin and relax me. The night had always calmed me, soothed me in a way I was never able to explain. Finding an alley down the side of the club, I slipped into the darkness, seeking out the comfort of the satiny shadows that called to me. I leaned against the brick wall and let my head fall back, the night surrounding me and offering comfort.

  “Okay, Lena, pull your shit together.”

  “Do you make it a habit to talk to yourself, Cupcake?” a voice asked from deep within the shadows of the alley, making me jump away from the wall. He chuckled as I watched him walk forward into the dim light. Just my luck, one of the very people I came out here to escape.

  “What do you want?” I glared at him, f
olding my arms across my chest. The movement not going unnoticed by him as his eyes drifted down, taking in my ample cleavage peeking through the crosses of my dress. Slowly and deliberately, he brought his gaze back to mine, and knowing exactly what he had been doing frustrated me so I dropped my hands. “Well?”

  “You ran out of there so fast I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He walked silently toward me, his jeans riding low and revealing the deep ‘v’ peeking above his waistline. My gut clenched as I remembered what it had looked like when it had been fully exposed on stage. There was no doubting this man was eye candy.

  “I’m fine, so your conscience is clear. Now leave me alone.” Huffing, I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes. If I refused to acknowledge him, he might go away. My necklace hummed its familiar feeling across my skin, making me forget for a minute about this disastrous night.

  “You look sexy as hell tonight, Cupcake,” Adrien whispered, close now.

  He propped his hand against the wall next to my head and leaned toward me. I don’t know how I hadn’t even heard him move.

  I looked up at him. “I’m sure you have your pick of women tonight. There’s no need to concern yourself with me,” I said dryly. I’m not going to let him get to me, I’m not. I have seen him naked, so that had to give me the upper hand here.

  “Who said I wanted other women?” he asked, as he came around to the front of me and boxed me in with his arms on either side of my head, making my throat go dry.

  “I just assumed…” I trailed off.

  “Well, I just assumed you enjoyed seeing me dance for you. Then you ran out of there like your ass was on fire. Want to tell me what that was about?” Adrien watched as he traced his fingers down my arm, sending shivers as he went. He moved his hand back up to my shoulder and looked at me again. “Well?”

  “Pft, you were not dancing for me. You were dancing for everyone, it’s your job.” Swatting his hand away I tried to stand straight again, but he still blocked me in.

  “Mmmm. It’s not a job when you enjoy it, and I very much enjoyed dancing for you,” he breathed the last part on my neck, making heat shoot down to my center. I should have been afraid being in an alley with this man who was a virtual stranger. I should have been pushing him away and going back to Sam, telling her I was leaving and then heading home. Instead I was standing here, letting him pin me against the wall and whisper in my ear. Letting him make me want things that I had no business wanting.

  “What is it you want, Cupcake?” Adrien whispered against the curve of my neck, not quite touching me with his lips, but making me want him all the more because of it.

  Clearing my throat, stuttered, “I—” I didn’t know what I wanted. Did I want to flee back to the safety of my friend, or did I want to plaster this man to the wall and make out with him until we were both breathless and not thinking straight? He ran his hand gently up the other side of my neck, stopping at my chin, and making me lose any train of thought I might have had. I had never wanted anyone to touch me so badly.

  Turning my head toward him, he stared at me for a minute, running his thumb across my jawline. “I have wanted to taste you since the day I walked into your tattoo shop,” he murmured. I ran my hands across his broad chest, tracing the muscles there, this time actually able to touch his smooth skin without gloves between us.

  “I doubt that, look at you.” I gestured my hands to him as he had done to me, before I continued my exploration of his torso.

  “Yeah? And look at you, I would have thought it was pretty obvious that day. We both know you saw how much I wanted your… cupcake.” He grinned at his sentiment. As I reached up to hit him, he grabbed my arm and pinned it above my head. The rough brick wall scratched against my wrist, but I didn’t care. His lips hovered just above mine, brushing against them, barely a touch. This couldn’t even be called a kiss. I wanted more, so much more.

  I reached with my other hand to pull him closer. My eyes flew open, widening in shock when my captured hand dropped to my side from having met only air. A deafening crash from the other end of the alley had me jumping away from the wall to see what the hell was going on. Peering into the dark I saw two men fighting, clearly it was Adrien and Damien from the shouting.

  “What the actual fuck, Damien?” Adrien yelled, pulling himself out of the heap of wooden boxes, lunging for Damien. He caught him in the gut and they both fell toward the opposite brick wall. Damien appeared to be the quickest of the pair, punching Adrien in the ribs and making him fly farther than it seemed possible. The wooden boxes tumbled back down on Adrien and he remained where he was, looking resigned to the fact that his friend had bested him.

  “You fucking know better, damn it! Think with your head not your dick. We have a job to do and fucking in the alley isn’t it, not with her.” Turning, Damien marched toward me. “You need to come with me now.” He grabbed my wrist firmly and started dragging me to the front of the alley.

  “Excuse me, prick, it’s not your place to tell me where I can or can’t be.” I pulled my arm, trying to wrestle it free from his grip. “Stop dragging me, asshole.” Attempting to pry my wrist loose I yanked again, but it didn’t help at all. I realized how easily he was moving me down the alley toward a side entrance I hadn’t noticed before. All of the grisly scenes from horror movies started to play through my mind. I wouldn’t even have a chance for anyone to see me with him. Panic began to set in, and I fought it back, knowing I needed to have a clear head. I was not going anywhere with this fucker.

  Kicking my legs out, I tried to hit him to make him let me go. There was just no moving him, he was like steel, and he continued tugging me toward the door at the front of the alley. Looking around I tried to find someone that would help, it didn’t matter who at this point. We reached the side entrance and I screamed out, kicking my legs against the door to keep him from pulling me through. There was no fucking way I was going with him.

  He turned and opened the door with me still thrashing my legs, trying to connect somewhere to free myself.

  I kicked stronger this time, barely glancing off the brick wall, and felt my necklace grow warm against my neck. I didn’t even have time to think about it, I just kicked again, pushing off against the frame, stronger and more determined now. The force sent me flying back toward him, both of us tumbling backward to the other side of the alley. As I rolled off of him he stared at me, unmoving in wide-eyed in shock.

  “I told you I’m not fucking going with you.” Standing up, I glared at him and pulled my dress down again, covering myself and adjusting it. I turned and walked quickly toward the entrance of the alley. A group of men stood there blocking my way through. “Ugh, this is not my night. Excuse me.” I tried to push through them to no avail, they just closed in tighter, making sure I couldn’t get past.

  The taller one in the front grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me to him. What the fuck was it with people tonight? “We heard someone scream. Do ya need some help?” he growled, his breath fowl with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Harsh brown eyes watched me in disdain, waiting for an answer. I could tell this man had no intentions of helping.

  “No, I can handle myself thanks.” Jerking my arm out of his grasp, I again tried to move around them. These men gave me a dirty feeling and I knew that they were only here for trouble. Searching for an opening through them I attempted to move past again, but I was trapped in the alley, their bodies blocking my exit. “Look, I have no clue what your deal is but I don’t need your help.”

  “The lady is fine, Alex,” Adrien said, stepping up behind me. Sure, here he comes when his friend isn’t manhandling me. I jumped a little as he ran his hand down my arm and linked his fingers with mine. I looked at him curiously and he gave my fingers a little squeeze.

  “I think she can speak for herself, can’t ya?” the man he had called Alex barked at me.

  “Alex, back off,” Damien warned as he came around the other side of me, slipping his arm around my
waist, and shifting me closer. As much as he had just terrified me pulling me down that alley, I had a feeling that my fate would be much worse if left to the men in front of us. So I would play along for now.

  “Well can ya?” he sneered, his eyes flashing. I swear I was seeing red everywhere lately, even in people’s eyes. It had to be the reflection from streetlights or something.

  “I’m fine.” Holding my head high I stepped forward, letting go of Adrien’s hand as Damien’s arm dropped from my waist. Men like this enjoyed seeing you riled, and I refused to let him think that he had won. “Alex is it? Well you can take your disgusting little self back to whatever troll hole you crawled out of. I don’t want, or need, your help, today or ever.” I poked his chest in emphasis. “As you can see I have already found an escort, or two for the evening.” I patted his chest. “Kay?” Without giving any of them an opportunity to protest, I pushed through them and onto the sidewalk, before making my way to the entrance of the club.

  As I reentered the dimly lit club music assaulted my ears, the room now filled with smoke from everyone letting loose and having a good time. Making my way through the crowd and down the stairs, I could clearly see people were enjoying themselves much more out in the open now. Ignoring them, I moved to the front where I had left Sam earlier. Tonight was such a bad idea, I was telling Sam I was leaving and getting out of here.

  Lights danced across the stage as a new group of men took to the platforms, and catcalls followed. Reaching the sofas I found a group of people surrounding Sam. Not that I had expected less, she just naturally attracted people to her. It wasn’t her fault I was irritated and done dealing with bullshit tonight.

  Pushing through them, I found Sam straddling a half-naked, tanned Adonis. She was making out with him like her life depended on it, not caring that her ass was hanging out for the rest of the club to see. This fool was running his hands up her back, plastering her against him, as if she weren’t doing a good enough job of that herself. Oh hell no. I marched forward in full protection mode—no one fucked with my best friend and got away with it.